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Key Takeaways

  • Regularly cleaning your RV awning prevents a build-up of dirt, extending its lifespan.
  • Choose appropriate cleaning solutions and tools for effective results.
  • Tackle tough stains with specialized cleaning solutions and extra scrubbing.

Discover the best ways to maintain your RV awnings, ensuring they stay fresh and functional for all your adventures.

To clean RV awnings, mix a solution of mild soap and water, gently scrub with a soft brush, rinse thoroughly, and allow to air dry. Avoid harsh chemicals to preserve fabric integrity and color. Regular maintenance extends awning life.

As an RV enthusiast with years of experience, I've learned the ins and outs of maintaining RV awnings. Regularly cleaning your awning not only enhances its look but also extends its life, saving you money in the long run. Keep your RV in top shape, making every journey memorable and worry-free. Your adventures deserve the best care, and I'm here to guide you every step of the way.



How To Clean RV Camper Awnings

Cleaning your RV camper awning is essential for maintaining its appearance and extending its lifespan. Regular cleaning helps prevent the build-up of dirt, mold, and mildew stains, which can lead to unsightly stains and premature wear on the awning fabric. Whether your RV awning is made of vinyl or acrylic, using proper cleaning techniques ensures the best results without damaging the material.

When it comes to cleaning your RV awning, you will need to use proper cleaning solutions and tools like a soft bristle brush, spray bottles, and garden hoses. Depending on the condition of your awning, a homemade RV awning cleaner using dish soap or even simple warm water might suffice.

1. Asses Your Awning's Condition

Before cleaning your RV awning, inspect it for any damages or wear. Check for mold and mildew growth, tears, and dirt buildup. Consider the type of material your awning is made of, such as vinyl awning or acrylic awning, as this will determine the cleaning method and supplies needed.

2. Gather Necessary Supplies

Prepare a cleaning solution with water and a mild cleaning agent, such as dish soap. You can also use hydrogen peroxide, car soap, or bleach at a 20% and 80% ratio. Avoid using harsh chemicals that may damage your awning material.

Additionally, gather the following supplies:

  • Mild Soap: A gentle, non-abrasive soap that effectively cleans without damaging the awning fabric.
  • Soft Bristle Brush: Used for scrubbing the awning gently to avoid fabric damage while effectively removing dirt and grime.
  • Water Hose: For rinsing off the soap and any loosened dirt from the awning, ensuring a thorough clean.
  • Bucket: To mix the soap and water mixture solution, provide a convenient container for your cleaning mixture.
  • Sponge or Soft Cloth: Ideal for applying the soap solution to more delicate areas or for gentle scrubbing.
  • Protective Gloves: To protect your hands from any cleaning solutions and from prolonged exposure to water.
  • Ladder (if necessary): To safely reach higher parts of the awning, ensuring a complete and thorough clean.
  • Awning Protectant Spray: After cleaning, this can be applied to help protect the awning fabric from UV rays and future dirt accumulation.

3. Pre-Cleaning Considerations

Ensure the awning is fully extended and lowered if possible. This allows for easier access to the awning when cleaning. If you cannot reach the awning, use a step stool or a brush with a long handle.

4. Actual Cleaning Steps

Regular cleaning not only keeps your awning looking great but also extends its lifespan, making your RV adventures more enjoyable.

Follow these steps one by one to ensure you properly and clearly clean your RV awning:

  1. Prepare the Cleaning Solution: Mix a small amount of mild soap with water in a bucket. Ensure the solution is sudsy but not overly concentrated.
  2. Wet the Awning: Using the water of the garden hose, gently spray the entire awning to make it damp. This helps in loosening any dirt or debris before you start scrubbing.
  3. Apply the Soap Solution: Dip your soft bristle brush, sponge, or soft cloth into the car wash soap solution and start applying it to the awning. Begin from the lower part and gradually move upwards to avoid streaking.
  4. Scrub Gently: With the soft bristle brush or sponge, gently scrub the awning. Pay extra attention to areas with noticeable dirt or stains. Be gentle to avoid damaging the fabric.
  5. Rinse Thoroughly: After scrubbing, rinse the awning with the water hose. Ensure all soap suds are washed off, as leftover soap can leave marks or damage the fabric.
  6. Dry the Awning: Let the awning air dry completely. Avoid rolling it up or storing it while it's still damp, as this can cause mold or mildew to form.
  7. Inspect for Damage: Once the awning is dry, inspect it for any signs of wear or damage. Addressing these issues promptly can extend the life of your awning.
  8. Apply Protectant Spray (Optional): If desired, apply an awning protectant spray to help shield the fabric from UV damage and to repel dirt and water.

Here’s a table breakdown of the steps you need to follow to clean your RV awnings:

Step Action Description
1 Prepare Cleaning Solution Mix mild soap with water in a bucket to create a gentle cleaning solution.
2 Wet the Awning Use a water hose to dampen the awning, loosening dirt and debris.
3 Apply Soap Solution Apply the soap solution to the awning using a soft bristle brush, sponge, or cloth.
4 Scrub Gently Gently scrub the awning, focusing on dirty awning parts or stained areas.
5 Rinse Thoroughly Rinse off the soap with a hose, ensuring all residue is removed.
6 Dry the Awning Allow the awning to air dry completely to prevent mold or mildew.
7 Inspect for Damage Check the awning for any signs of wear or damage post-cleaning.
8 Apply Protectant Spray (Optional) Optionally, apply an awning protectant spray bottle to extend fabric life and durability.

5. Rinsing and Drying

After scrubbing your awning, rinse it thoroughly using a hose. Make sure to remove all the cleaning solution and dirt. Allow the awning to air dry completely before rolling it up to avoid mold and mildew growth.

6. Post-Cleaning Maintenance Tips

To prolong the life of your RV awning, perform regular cleaning and maintenance. Here are a few helpful tips to consider:

  • Keep the awning dry before rolling it up.
  • Inspect the awning regularly for signs of wear and tear, or remove mold growth.
  • Store your awning properly in a cool, dry place during winter.
  • Use a mildew-resistant fabric or treatment on your awning to prevent future mold issues.

How Often Should You Clean Your RV Awning?

Proper maintenance of your RV awning is essential for extending its lifespan and keeping it looking its best. The frequency of cleaning RV awnings depends on several factors, such as your camping environment and the materials used in your awning.

In this section, we will discuss a suggested regular maintenance schedule and factors affecting cleaning frequency to help you determine the best cleaning schedule for your RV camper awning.

Regular Maintenance Schedule

Ideally, cleaning your RV awning should be done every two to three months as a part of regular maintenance. A deep clean may be needed annually, depending on the conditions your awning is exposed to.

In addition to cleaning, you should inspect your awning for any damage or wear before each camping trip. This ensures any necessary repairs can be addressed promptly, avoiding more extensive damage.

Factors Affecting Cleaning Frequency

The frequency of cleaning your RV awning is influenced by factors such as frequency of use, exposure to elements like sun and rain, and the environment you typically camp in, like wooded areas or beaches.

Factors such as:

  1. Material: RV awnings can be vinyl or acrylic awnings. Vinyl awnings are more susceptible to mold and mildew and therefore may require more frequent cleaning. Acrylic RV awnings, on the other hand, are less prone to mildew and can go longer between cleanings.
  2. Environment: If you often camp in humid climates, your awning may be more prone to mold and mildew growth. Additionally, tree sap, pollen, and bird droppings can collect on your awning, requiring more frequent cleaning. Be sure to clean your awning after each camping trip if it has been exposed to these elements, or at least give it a quick rinse to remove loose dirt and debris.
  3. Usage: The more frequently you use your RV, the more often you should clean the awning. Regular cleaning helps maintain the awning's water repellency, protects it from UV rays, and prevents mold growth.
  4. Storage: If your RV is stored outdoors, your awning may be exposed to dirt, debris, mold, and mildew growth. Be sure to clean your awning before and after long periods of storage.

Remember that proper maintenance and cleaning can significantly increase the lifespan of your RV awning. Keeping a regular cleaning schedule and being aware of factors affecting the cleaning frequency will ensure a clean and well-maintained awning, allowing you to enjoy the great outdoors with a reliable and comfortable outdoor space.

Why It's Important to Keep Your RV Awning Clean

An RV awning is an essential part of your motorhome or camper. Keeping it clean not only enhances its appearance but also contributes to its longevity and functionality. In this section, we discuss several reasons why regular awning maintenance is crucial for your RV, covering aspects like lifespan, mold prevention, aesthetics, and resale value.

Preserving Awning Lifespan

RV awnings, whether made from vinyl or acrylic materials, require proper care to prolong their life and preserve their efficacy in providing shade and protection. One key maintenance practice is regular cleaning to remove dirt, debris, and other substances that can damage the fabric over time.

Regular cleaning of your RV awning not only prevents dirt buildup but also helps maintain the fabric's water-repellent properties. This, in turn, helps the awning withstand harsh weather conditions, ensuring its efficiency in blocking UV rays and preventing water damage.

Preventing Mold and Mildew Growth

Mold and mildew thrive in damp environments and can cause damage to your RV awning fabric. Cleaning your awning at least 2-3 times a year or as needed prevents moisture from accumulating, which in turn, helps keep mold and mildew at bay.

Proper techniques, such as allowing the awning to air dry completely after cleaning and using an appropriate cleaning solution, are also essential in reducing the risk of mold and mildew growth.

Aesthetic and Functional Benefits

Having a clean and well-maintained awning enhances the aesthetics of your RV Eliminating stubborn stains, bird droppings, and other blemishes would make the awning more visually appealing and help ensure its continued functionality as a shade provider.

Moreover, a clean awning is more efficient in its protection from the sun's harmful rays, contributing to a more comfortable outdoor experience for you and your family as you spend time in the great outdoors.

Maintaining Resale Value

Lastly, a well-maintained RV awning adds to your vehicle's resale value. Potential buyers are more likely to show interest in a motorhome or camper with a clean, properly cared-for awning than one with a dirty, neglected awning. The effort you put into RV awning cleaning and maintaining your awning reflects your commitment to maintaining the overall condition of your RV, making it a more attractive purchase for buyers.

By preserving the lifespan of your awning, preventing mold and mildew growth, enhancing its aesthetic and functional benefits, and maintaining the resale value of your RV, the importance of regular awning maintenance cannot be overstated. Formulating an RV awning cleaning schedule and following proper techniques can go a long way in ensuring your awning's longevity and performance.